A woman try to embarrass journalists when they were doing a sexual harassment story.

Oct 25th, Stephanie McCrummen, the Pulitzer winner who work for The Washington Post and award the Toner Prize for coverage of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, said in the speech in Hong Kong Baptist University, that a woman make up a story about that Roy Moore get her pregnant and try to trick her team when they were doing the Roy Moore reporting.

Roy Moore was the Alabama Republican nominee for U.S. Senate. He was very powerful man until Stephanie exposed the story that he sexual harassment to the teenager girls. However, after the story public, some supporter of Roy Moore came forward and accused the story is a fake news, in the meantime, a woman, named Jaime Phillips, make up a story about Roy Moore and try to embarrass Stephanie and her team.

“She said that she was met Roy when she was 16, and he got her pregnant, and he drive her to Mississippi to get abortion.” Stephanie said in the speech. However, since the coverage of Roy Moore has a huge impact, Stephanie and her team was highly alert there are maybe some people want to trick them, they check the details of the story that Jaime Phillips told them, and find out is a fake story.

They also find out that Jaime Phillips has an online page for raising money to expose the lies of mainstream media. Stephanie was curious about who she works for, so she invited Jaime Phillips to had a meeting and record the whole conversation through a hidden video camera. The meeting last 9 minutes and the video uploaded by Washington Post was went widely on the Internet. However, Stephanie and her team still don’t know who Jaime Phillips work for, the only thing they know is she is in an organization that the goal is to embarrass the journalists.

“The video got at least 2 millions views, it’s like a cat video. People love this video for some reasons, I think part of the reason is in someway it shows journalist at work. I wasn’t trying to embarrass Jaime, I didn’t want her fake story, I want her real story, which could be a really good story. Some people might have try to embarrass her or be arrogant to her, and I thought that’s a mistake, I want to just let her talk, is a thing that we should do as a journalist.” Stephanie said at the end of her speech.

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